Maybe it's an acquired taste, I dunno, but doing a search turns up gobs of hits for peanut butter and bacon food items. Like a regular old peanut butter and bacon sandwich. Another website has several recipes for peanut butter/bacon stuff, including (lol) Peanut butter bacon rollups. And finally a recipe for a peanut butter bacon mixture from none other than Jif Peanut Butter. Anyhow, I'm not the only one that likes this combination. On the other hand, you can probably find a recipe online for vanilla/pickle/onion ice cream, so....
When I was a lad, 40 some odd (heavy on the odd) years ago, I swear I remember a product that was peanut butter with bacon already in it... kinda like that goober jelly spread stuff. Like a lot of things that happened when you were little, things sometimes become "fact" and maybe that's what happened with this. Hell I dunno, but it sure seems real.
I've done all sorts of Google searches on this, almost to the point of obsession trying to find mention of this stuff somewhere on the wide wide world of the internets and there ain't a trace of it.
Any of y'all ever remember seeing or eating this stuff 40 some odd (heavy on the odd) years ago?
And just outta nowhere, and nothing to do with bacon OR peanut butter, a pic that Sal snapped of the back of a local dairy truck a few months ago. Just made us smile.
When my family ran a funeral home back when (my Mom sold out in 1978), the business bought caskets from a couple of companies, one being the Memphis Casket Company, Memphis, TN. The logo on the back of their trucks read something like, "Drive carefully, yours made be on this truck." Heh, heh...
I LOVE peanut butter and bacon sandwiches! Try toasting the bread first...yummy!
I was behind a meat truck on the freeway the other day. I was shocked at their logo! ROFLOL.
I lived on peanut butter when I was growing up some 50 odd (heavy on the odd) years ago. I don't remember the concoction of which you speak. But then again, there wasn't much choice on the shelves in my little neck of the woods!
well that didn't work ! try this
I'm not much on peanut butter and must admit that I never heard of putting peanut butter and bacon together. Doesn't sound good to me at all! But . . if you like it, I'm glad you accidentally found that yummy combination.
Peanut butter and pickles, but never heard of peanut butter and bacon. I was wondering if that's a Missouri thing????
Don't let him fool you. He's the ripe old age of 38.
Dude, bacon & peanut butter? I'm not letting Martin read this post. lol
from my childhood -- buckwheat pancakes with peanut butter spread on them and rolled up like cigars. a little karo syrup on top, and bacon also dipped in the syrup. oh my... I think your combination sounds great!
Dude, you wanna know how many WW points a PB and Bacon sandwich would be? Can I assume you're using white bread. Oh shoot, I can't count that high. ;)
Wait! What? I'm still trying to get past that spot where you said you found leftover bacon in the fridge. I'm amazed and astounded! Poleaxed maybe--I'm not sure what it means, but it sounds about right. Leftover bacon? LEFTOVER BACON? I never knew there WAS such a thing!
On the TV show "American Eats: History on a Bun" they mention Oscar Mayer making peanut butter with bacon flavoring in a tube. They showed it being scooped out of what looked like modern day cookie dough tubes, but in old school black and white, then being spread on bread. And all I was thinking, "Eww no way." I then found this site. So it exists. I can't really find any info online though.
I'm 44 and remember the oscar mayer peanutbutter. it was good. I loved it with a big glass of Dole pineapple-grapefruit juice, which you can't buy anymore either.
Oscar myeres peanut butter bacon spread was on one of the history channels show the other day but when i googled to find it like u i couldnt find anything about it. Weird that the product is not searchable. And now i must try this combo.... it sounds weird but it must be good !
I remember Oscar Mayer peanut butter & bacon sandwich spread in a tube grom the 1950s.
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