Robert: Whatcha got?
Me: Either a vaginal prolapse or she sat on a cherry bomb.
Robert: *looking things over* Yeechh
Me: Yeah, Yeechh is a good word.
Robert: You wanna put it back or call the vet?
Me: Eh, this one looks like a vet deal, I'm kinda wondering what's going on inside her. This one looks kinda wierd, even for a prolapse.
Robert: *just wrinkling his nose and making the "stinky face look".
Me: Exactly.
Robert: I'll call the vet.
And then I got a weird idea and made myself laugh... cause... hell I don't know why. But this is gonna be the all time best bumper sticker for people with cows, and that have had to deal with things pertaining to "animal husbandry", so to speak.

.... yeah I know, I ain't right. But check this out! LOL
Your poop is on fire!
lilsis said: "Your poop is on fire!"
LOL of course lilsis's reference is to a not quite successful joint endeavor. :-)
L. YOUR poop is on fire.
LMAO! That is just too funny! (Not the poor cow - the bumper sticker). :)
I don't expect those will go over real big here in California, but the story behind the creation's pretty amusing. How about T-Shirts? Ball caps? You could become a millionaire! (How's the scrap metal business, by the way?)
Hubby likes to "collect" T-Shirts when we go anywhere. My two favorites are: (from McClintock's Restaurant) "You may beat our prices, but you can't beat our meat!" - and - (from a butcher/smoked meat shop in a pricey coastal town) "We'll smoke anything!"
Hehe... at the McClintok's shirt. :-) Me and Gary put the junkyard millionaire project on hold for a bit. I sorta tore up my back over the winter and having only one day a week that we both can work at "junkin"... (that sounds so, un-respectable lol) If the weather holds up we're planning on doing up a load this weekend.
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