Immediately after getting back from Nashville... I got busy. The shop had got a little weak thru the summer, but for now it appears that it's gonna stay this way at least thru the first of the year and a little beyond.
Our new grandbaby (yes... :-) ) came to visit with Mommy and Daddy for a couple of days. Jazzmine Cahlia Reid She's gorgeous. There'll be pics, but Sal's hording 'em on her puter right now.
Our other daughter and son in law came to visit with 3 more grandkids.
Then it was deer season.
Then I broke down and bought horses. I don't know. Insanity. Sal loves me more than her luggage though now.

That's Sal and Poco on the right, her buddy Jolene and Cappy on the left.
I dunno... lol 2 things that I said I'd never own and that's sheep and horses... I've got both.
In the middle of all of this my brother had a series of 3 strokes. Bill had spinal meningitis when he was a baby and is mentally handicapped, but does pretty well. He reads, writes, is very verbose and is real self sufficient... but this is a rough one. He's still in the hospital and will be for some time. It's gonna be a long long road for him. He's several years older than me at 58. It's been pretty tough on my parents as well.
We sold calves a week or so ago and they did real well at the market.
Sally and I went out on a real date to party a little and it was a hoot. We do it up real good. Spent the evening at a local watering hole, a friends band was playing and then another friend was DJ'ing after the band. Great night!
Me and Sal and our little redheaded buddy Bentley squeezing in the shot.
This pic just makes me smile. Sal and our friend Sue... cute as 2 chili beans in a bowl of applesauce.
Keota played a HELLUVA gig at the local winery, massive mayhem and fun all around. We're working on changing our live sound equipment around... it's sounding great!
A bunch of backup singers came up and helped us out with Wagon Wheel, as usual. Sal even got up and played guitar on it too!

Then there was a nice quiet Thanksgiving with just my folks and our son here, then another one yesterday with my buddy Gary lol. Turned into a movie thon last night.
In between all of that jazz was a lot of other stuff too!
So, hopefully boys and girls, when time permits, I'm back on track. Thanks for hanging in there!
So good to have you back, Cowguy, I've really missed you! Its been a long time since I've had any cow dung to step in! It sounds like you've been having waaay too much fun.
glad to have you back. I, for one, missed you.
What a great Thanksgiving weekend! You are a lucky grandpa!!
Congratulations on the new granbaby. I hope your brother pulls through ok.
I'll be keeping your brother in my thoughts.
Awwww you guys. I'm sending every last one of you a big ol stack of money.
Blessings of all kinds recently for you, right? Sending good thoughts about your brother, and congratulations on the new grandbaby!
I'm just glad for you that there were no more 'chainsaw stuck in tree' incidents...
Good thing the shop is picking up. I'd hate to see you with idle hands.
Sal, don't listen to this...
Them ain't "eatin'" horses, are they?
Ummm Cowguy... if you actually go out and RIDE them horses with Sal then you ratchet it up another few notches....
But then, you already knew that, didn't you?
DOH goes riding with me; I even let him ride my best horse (which, he mistakenly, thinks of as HIS horse).
Handsome Poco for Sal, Cappy looks like the ultimate hubby horse.
Yes we missed you!
But it sounds like your life has been very, very full.
I am so sorry to hear about your brother.
We are on our way (by car) to in Tennessee tonight near Knoxville! Brrrr it is windy and cold...I thought you guys would be warmer than Michigan, for Goodness Sake!
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