Couple of weekends ago we played a deal down at the
Columbia Farmer's Market. I think we were all a little apprehensive, not knowing what to really expect as none of us had ever been to this thing before. As it turned out, we had a blast. A real fun place to play with a little of a carnival/flea market type of atmosphere. Lot's of Earth Mother types and "retired hippies" :-) and just regular folks as well. The gal that runs the show had told me on the phone that the vendors usually "tip" the musicians with food. Oh my God. When we got all done we walked around on the other side of Ronnie's truck to start packing up and there was a small mountain of food. Everything that you can imagine. LOL It was real nice of the vendors and I think we all made good use of the tips.
Some pics from the shindig.

Martina beltin' one out with all her might.

Had a nice milling about crowd the whole deal... some folks found chairs, some sat on the ground.

Some pretty lady in an awesome outfit.

I dunno what the hell these things are but I bet they're about as fun in the mud as being pelted with rocks by an angry mob.

Some little guy giving us the universal sign for "YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!" by showing us his belly.

Dancin' broke out amongst the shoppers...

And this picture right here that Sally got... this is one of my all time favorite shots. This little gal was absolutely enthralled with the music and hung out in her spot for a lonnng time. :-)

Looks like a good time was had by all! You guys and gals are sure keeping busy.
Looks like great fun. And if that little guy and little girl liked it, well I guess then it was a downright fine show indeed. :)
Lookout! Lookout!
You're in serious danger of having too much fun!
Ok.....ya'll need a bigger tent :) Definitly looked like a good time and love the last pic!
Fun Stuff! Wish we had audio.
Agreed: the last pic is a pure delight.
Those there shoes are called Z-Coils. Here's their website I work with a couple of ladies that have them and swear by them for relieving thier back pain, but they are a tad pricey. Just thought I'd share 8D
Maybe she was waiting for Bert, Ernie, Snuffleupagus, Cookie Monster & Big Bird to appear???
Looked like GREAT FUN!!!!
Is it Beer Thirty Yet???
Why, yes it is!! *TINK*
- Jennifer
I went to the link you sent and so much enjoyed the music, the performance.
I attended college in Missouri - ironically, in Fulton, Mo at William Woods. (I say *ironic* because my last name is now Fulton.) I married a KC man and lived there for 16 years before a 22 year stint in Southern CA in Laguna Beach. I now live alone on a fairly remote mountain in TN and have never been happier.
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