If I cut back on my 'lectricity usage it's 'cause I've got a brain and I understand economics and I'm gonna save myself a buck or 3 at the first of the month when we pay our electric bill.
"Paper or plastic?" Hell fire man, give me both! Double them suckers up 'cause I'm gonna throw 'em in this bad boy when I get home and heat my home and hot water with 'em.
Bask in the glow of the woodstove afterburner! Ahhhhh

I spray around the outside of our home for bugs with some insecticide that barely does the job just because you can't get DDT anymore. I want my bugs dead, not half crippled and sneaking up behind me with vengeance on their little bug minds.
I burn things. I don't know how this tradition got started, but the couch fires here at our household are legend.

I love it when my son does a nice smokey burnout just for me. It warms the cockles of my heart like it would any kids old man.

I wanna know what a dolphin tastes like. They look tasty, and while we're at it... all those WalMart sacks that everyone get's their panties all twisted up over? Weave 'em into big ol fish nets. Hell they'd last forever! If anyone actually does this and you catch a dolphin in the thing, send me a couple of Flipper steaks on dry ice.
Ah well...
I wonder how much power the servers at Blogger are draining unnecessarily offa the grid.
I grew up with a burning barrel out back.
But, my family did clean up some of the trash from the old back ditch when they moved off the farm. Amazing what you'd find out there. An old TV set, lots of cans, a combine, and a few pickup trucks. You know, the usual.
That's a crazy couch fire, what did you do? Set fire to to some crippled bugs and make them walk along a dynamite fuse?
This reminds me of Denis Leary's Asshole song.
I really don't have much else to say.
I grew up with a woodstove, my grandmother used a wood stove all my life, and if we have big stuff to get rid of we take it out to my aunt's house and she burns it for us.
You might be a redneck if....
You might have just lost a grain of respect from me. Hooray to ignorance!
Hooray for common sense!
I'm with Sass! This reminded me of the "Asshole" song by Denis Leary. (I loooooooove Denis Leary.)
Glad to hear your cockles are warm. That's a plus.
Sounds like fodder for a new Larry the cable guy song to me...just sayin'.
I knew you'd do us proud this Earth Day.
M and I had a discussion about what we were going to do for Earth Day yesterday. Other then driving my gas guzzler to haul dirt, we both were relying on you to represent us. I'll be bringing some url and a tire to burn next time we come up there, to make up for lost time. ;)
Whoa Cowguy - that thing is awesome! It's for the shop? Love the decals.
It's the Crocs. Those suckers are HUGE, so they automatically make your footprint bigger.
See? I solve problems. That's what I do.
Yup Yup.
You make a good point. How much ice-killing carbon dioxide do we spew forth whilst in the overly-passionate throes of patting ourselves on the back for being green? A shit ton, I'd wager. And that's a scientific measurement--I should know. I'm a scientist.
I missed Earth Day. I think I was driving my Suburban somewhere to pick up some bottled water.......
Haha Jerry - we are two of a kind! I took my Expedition to get dirt to *gasp* PLANT A GARDEN. lol
Dangit I meant to add BAGS of dirt - that is big plastic bags that will go in the garbage and pollute somewhere.
tsk tsk
water bottles, plastic bags, it's all the same.
My hubby has a picture pretty similar to your son's--peelin' rubber in his Mustang! Love it!
I knew you'd do us proud on Earth Day!! I was in the big chain grocery store here last week. The bag boy asked me, "Paper or plastic?" I said plastic. A lady behind me tsk-tsked me all the way out the door. Yeah, the lady with the bleached hair and spray tan. She climbed in her Hummer with a Save the Earth sticker on the back pulled out of the lot in front of me. Then she turned into her driveway with the lawn sprinklers going full blast and making rivers of run-off water flowing down the street. Where's the water police when you need them?
But I guess if it makes her feel better about herself to admonish me for my plastic request, then something good came out of that whole exercise.
Hell fire! No DDT, ACK!? Don't you have one of em thar farm licenses for pesticides that will kill weeds or anything moving?
Love your new heater/stove. My girlfriend just installed one at their place a couple of months ago!
Happy FRIDAY!!!!
Oh yeah!
- Jennifer
OH Darn, I forgot all about Earth Day. I shall repent! NOT! We conserve energy while AL Gore roams around in his massive house that uses the energy of a small town. I don't think SO! We are all like you, we conserve energy to save money because the government takes such a big piece of our checks, we have to. In Oregon (state next door to me) they hiked the beer tax by 2000 percent. Ya, just picked one product and hiked the tax. I don't drink it, but what's next, Chocolate?
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