*enter guitar and wah pedal*

And finally...
Brownchickenbrowncow brownchickenbrowncow.
Expert advice concerning... love, hate, love/hate relationships, car repair, menopause, cabinetry, gambling, animal husbandry, animal wifery, religion, finance, computer repair, erectile dysfunction, cooking, phobias of all types and electrical wiring. Pretty much everything. Email me. It's over there on the right. Just do it.
I can probably assume no one else is sitting here reading this with tears rolling down their face.
I can't....stop....
laughing....oooh...it hurts it hurts it hurts....*snort*....
Heh heh...
I'm confused, and I don't get it. ;-) [I know, that sounds like a personal problem to you.]
Oh great, now when I'm trying to "concentrate", I'll be thinking brownchickenbrowncow :)
I LOVE the cow and chicken cartoon. Especially the character Red.
My favorite joke! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. I've wanted to do something with this topic for a year but couldn't figure out how.
Have I ever told you that you're my heeeeeroooo?
"A lot of cluckin' goin' on." SREECHING with laughter over here!
Ooo, wait. Reading that again made me realize the comment itself is a double entendre! Think what you like!
Bow chica bow wow.
Wait a cotton pickin' minute, Cowguy.
Am I little one?
'Cause if so...I really love you more than I should
Sass: Well duh. lol
Must be a MO thing.
Ricky........you got some splainin to do.........
Snandi: LOL Ask Sass. Better yet, have her leave a message on your voice mail.
ok, it's been 6 days since my last pain pill.............. I'm now rethinking that.
I'm heading to the gym now. And all during class, brown chicken brown cow will be flinging through my gourd. Thanks for that!! :-) :-)
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