The band decided to just load up, drive around, do a little sipping (with a non-drinking driver of course) and throw down some random acts of music. Fun? You betcha. Silly? Uh huh. Redneck? Absofreakinlutely. 3 days later I'm still smiling thinking of all the fun we had, total hillarity.... and lots of pics to document it.
We kinda devised a plan, which was a little difficult with everyone recovering from the 2 previous days...
We started out with MB's Jeep and my truck and hit a local party camp and played 'em a couple of songs, got tipped in homebrew liquor (the universal currency)... and moved on.
The Jeep had a wheezing fit and we crippled it back to the cabin and abandoned it and everyone loaded up in my truck... it was full. lol We stopped and played for some folks that wouldn't stop smilin'.
We went down in another neighborhood and drew a crowd of smiling people...
In the process of driving around we discussed the legal ramifications of a bunch of musicians riding around in the back of an open pickup with open containers of liquor and just how much trouble we'd be in... and hardly being low profile, 'cause you just notice people riding around in a bright red truck with an upright bass in the back.
And no sooner had that discussion got underway..... the cops came. We seem to be some kind of cop magnet. The decision was made to just play like crazy when he pulled up and there was no way he could give us a ticket for nothin'.
So we did... (pictures from the rear view mirror lol)
Yeah, we had him smiling too, and we got a round of applause and our picture taken with his evidence camera.
Then we crashed the birthday party of another local musician and we lit into a couple of songs for the folks there.
Starved to death we decided to head to Macon and eat, but we stopped at a volleyball game on the way and played for them too. After eating we loaded back up and gave a quick 1 song concert in the parking lot of the Mexican joint. More smiles.
Stoplights at intersections were a total blast, 'cause we never let up playing. Then because we seemed to be on the fast food tour, we pulled into the Hardees parking lot and played a song to a small group there.
We cruised around town for awhile...
Sal with her "I'm a redneck and I can kick your ass and never let this Marlboro fall offa my lip" pose. This shot kills me... she doesn't smoke. lol
An old dog that looks like he's smiling too.
And so it went. What a great weekend, we still haven't recovered from the non-stop whirlwind and can't hardly wait until the next blast-O-rama.
That looked like SO MUCH FUN!
Can we hang out with you guys on a weekend?
What a GREAT IDEA!!! I would have followed ya around all day. Did you have any groupies that joined in the caravan?
- Jennifer
Susan: Looks like fun? It was TOTAL fun.
Jennifer: LOL yeah we had a "posse" following at times.
LOL Only in Macon!
I adore you, Cowguy.
I like how Sal has the appropriate "I'm gonna kick your ass" bend in the front brim of her hat, too.
I will be thinking of you guys every time I feel blue - this is HYSTERICAL! I wish I could've bore first person witness to the travelling band-on-a-truck. Hilarious!
I'm actually kind of pissed right now that we don't have those kinds of hijinx up here...
Oh. My. Goodness.
So much I want to say.
1. Can I so hang out with you guys?
2. I FRICKEN love Sal. She's so badass.
3. I wish you lived in my neighborhood.
Firstly, why wasn't I invited? I would have happily piped away on a tin whistle.
Secondly, that was great.
Thirdly, I hate the contrast between your roads and ours. Yours appear to be a vast expanse of flat and un-populated tarmac. Ours are narrow, bumpy and overcrowded pieces of skank.
Yes...I'm sorely disappointed there weren't blogger invites to the blast-O-rama! :-) :-)
Y'all look like a kick-ass fun group to hang and party with! Love the picture of Sal, especially!
Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap !!
Bravo! Just spreadin' the sunshine, weren't you? I love it!
What a GREAT idea! But with my past profession (nurse) it just wouldn't bring the same joy riding from neighborhood to neighborhood giving random enemas, now would it?????
That does it. I'm moving.
Wow! That is just about the coolest party story I've ever heard. How cool that all you got from the cop was smiles and applause, and pics to prove it!
You and your buds are absolutely the best.
Hi Sal! You're soooooooo cool!
you sure know how to live cow guy.
That just looks like too much fun!
I'm sure yall had a great time.
Now that's a party in a pick-up!
Woo-hoooo!!! Next time, keep on driving east to my town, eh?
That's hot.
Gosh I'm glad you linked back to this post. No matter what, it always brings a smile to my face and makes me hopeful that some day I can see such a rockin' scene down my street. Happy New Year!
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