It happened slowly.
You know how I got most of that much needed humility? I got me some kids of my own. Yup. Nothing will teach you that quality like being a parent.
Don't get me wrong and take it that our kids were rotten. Great Scott! They were little angels compared to what I purveyed as entertainment at their ages. Some were a bit of a challenge, some were easy to get all growed up... but they all acquainted me with "humble" at some point in their childhood careers.
So without further ado, on this Father's Day... my kids, their graduation pics and some later in life pics. Oh, and some quotes that Dad's always remember.
Nicky. Possibly the most tender hearted human being on earth. Loaded with common sense, the mother of 3 under 5 and she's my own personal little smartass... but in a good way. She just sent me 3 Father's Day cards. 3! She loves me so much I wish I were twins. Nicky was born with humility.
Best quote: (she hate's this one) "I'm the only Freshman in college that's grounded."

Jake and Nicky a couple of years ago.
Amanda. Amanda has my bizarre sense of humor and can make me laugh til it hurts. It was rough in a few spots with this one, but in the end... she grew up and got some humility of her own. She's going to be a mommy in October, the humility will come on her with break neck speed now.
Best quote: (after totaling the 4th car before 18) "I think it just went off the road."

And from a few months ago.
Nathan. Nathan is our resilient kid. No matter what has happened to this young man, he just shakes it off and plods on to the next phase. He truly amazes me with his confidence and his recovery and most of all his tenderness with a harsh exterior. He finished school and headed to San Diego... no family, no friends out there... just a fresh start in life. He impresses me greatly. Humility is reinvented almost daily by Na.
Best quote: "I didn't do nothing to it. It just broke." (often repeated... lol)

From last fall, home on a visit.

Jake: And finally, the baby of the family. Jake and I can hang out together, laugh, go fast, shoot things, cuss, have a couple of beers.... and I think I'm still his hero after all of that. As with all our kids, he's MY hero, he just doesn't know it. He grew up to be a hard working young man with a great sense of humor. Humility is arriving to him as I type, probably. lol
Best quote: (after getting the buzillionth speeding ticket... this time for going 75 in a 55) "But I had it on cruise!"

From a couple months ago...
So there they are, my pride and joy. My reason for learning humility. Thanks for letting me be your Dad, it's my pleasure. Oh and Dad? Thank you Saint Benny.
Awesome post J.
makes me wonder what my dad would say about me...
I love you dude. If that's the one quote from me that you remember forever, I'm forever grateful.
Nice post! I am in the midst of trying (hoping) to teach my son humility, but I think the economy is about to do that for me. Recent college grad with a BA and a kick-ass job at the Smoothie Shack in town. Suddenly he doesn't quite 'know everything"! I'm off to go spend Father's Day with my dad, St. Bernard.
Great post. Happy Father's Day.
Wonderful, wonderful. You've done a great thing by raising such good kids.
Happy Father's Day, CG!
Fabulous post. But I have news for you -- you can't have Nicky; she's mine!! :) Happy Father's Day!
Wonderful post...... Still wiping the tears away....... Today marks my second Father's Day as a daughter now without a father.... and I wish he was still here, not just cause I miss him, but so that he could have read this.....
A wonderful tribute to your kids, well done sir!
I gotta ditto the comment above - what a great tribute to your kids. Thanks for a great post, and thanks for helping populate the world with some really, really good people. :)
Happy Dad's Day to you!
What a sweet post! If you feel this way about your children after they've grown and gone, you and Sally did it right! My children are my greatest accomplishment and my bestest friends........
Happy Father's Day, Jace!
Congratulations! Your family sounds wonderful.
Another great post, too...
You have such a way of being open and forthright...blending in humor and truth...
Two girls and two guys! What a great family!
From all I can see you did a great job of being Dad . . . even learned some humility along the way (grins).
Sounds like you had a great Dad, too.
Happy Father's Day, Jace!
May you enjoy many, many more!
What a lovely and loving post- I needed windshield wipers for my glasses.
All kids should be valued as yours- My bet is they think you are the cat's meow too.
Humility takes time to learn- I have a 21 year old who is still working on it. He is a great young man too. You can read about him and the other men in my life at
what a bunch of good looking kids! are you sure they are yours??
hmmmmm, you look pretty young there with those graduating kids.................
Geez Cowguy...I NEVER say this.
But...I just said, outloud...
Shoot, I'm going all soft and crap.
You've got some good kids there. I hope mine grow up and I can reflect back with some of the same positives that you've gotten with yours.
And, because I can't be completely serious all the time...I like Amanda's taste in beer-themed clothing.
Hope you had a fantastic Fathers Day, Cowguy!!
FYI: and the one common denominator in the photo equation is a very handsome dad. Happy Father's Day yourself!
How wonderful your beautiful children are!
Happiest of wishes to you on fathers day.
This was a joy to read. Well done.
Dude, I think I just cried a little. I'm not even kidding.
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