Happy anniversary Sal, I love ya to smithereenies.
Expert advice concerning... love, hate, love/hate relationships, car repair, menopause, cabinetry, gambling, animal husbandry, animal wifery, religion, finance, computer repair, erectile dysfunction, cooking, phobias of all types and electrical wiring. Pretty much everything. Email me. It's over there on the right. Just do it.
Happy anniversary, you crazy kids! I hope your celebration includes good music, great food, and fireworks.
Brown chicken, brown cow!
Thank you, Sweetheart. I'm grateful that you won, inspite of my kicking and screaming :oD
Happy 10 Years to you too!
I adore you, Mr. Weber
I Love You WAMH
way to go on wearin her down.
happy anniversary!
You post sweet pictures of your loved ones on special days.
I post pictures of them cross-dressing.
Maybe I need to rethink my priorities.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary of you finding a girl that ran slower than you!
Awww. Happy Anniversary!
We love you guys :)
jim & gracie
She gave in, then.
So, when did you get married.
Said it on TWW, but for such a sweet couple it's worth saying again:
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary, you two love birds! xox
Bah - She was just looking for a path to saint hood. It was you or boils.
You won 2 out of 3 in the coin flip!
Happy Anniversary. Here's to 50 more.
Sorry I'm a day late, but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and many many more!!!!
happy anniversary you two crazy cutie patooties.
Another July wedding! was it pretty hot 10 years ago? We got married the day after you, but 26 years ago and I think the big guy is still wiping up the sweat! umm from the heat... yeah, um and the humidity......... yeah, well, that's my story and I'm sticking with it.
Happy belated anniversary!
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