*rim shot*
Eh well. Anyhow, along with being a cowguy with a bunch of surly cows that pack guns and knives, I build furniture. Mostly commission work where a customer has a desire burning in 'em for something other than run of the mill furniture store crap, or they have a piece in their mind that isn't available anywhere on the planet... except by custom work.
I design my own stuff, starting with rough sawn lumber from the local sawmill. I use the highest grade materials available and... "I'm" the one that builds it, beginning to end. I want to see you cry tears of joy the first time you see what I've built for you with my heart and hands.
So... it's show and tell time.
I just finished this one up last week and I'm real proud of it. You can read about it's construction here over on our woodworking forum. There's a whole buttload of pics of it there as well.

And just a nice little hodgepodge of other stuff that I've built...

And there you go. AND, I'm available to build your whatchamacallit, drop me an email and we'll talk it over. We'll deliver within 'bout 100 miles and arrange for shipping for further distances than that.
ROFLOL. I just noticed the question right above!
Your work is stunning and perfect, Jace. Being the proud owner of the cabinet in that next to last photo, I can say that someday when I move closer to you, I'm going to have you build everything in my house!
Oh, gosh, I forgot I also have a Nellie! You're a genius to have come up with that one!
Beautiful construction and aesthetic. When I'm in the market for a new special piece, I'll be in touch.
Oh man, that is gorgeous stuff! I especially like the white beadboard piece! You are one talented cowguy!
Great work, And you know what's better? You've given me IDEAS!
Vicky: Thanks! That was one of my very favorite pieces. Absolutely incredible wood in that cabinet!
Peachy: Thanks a bunch!
Char: That thing was absolutely massive. We took it into the customers home in 4 pieces and reassembled it. It matched another cabinet I'd done for them some time before. That one went into their bedroom.
Scope: Cool! I like giving folks ideas! Thanks man.
I am the proud owner and picky customer of two of those pieces because I refuse to buy crap and I know what you can do.
I (heart) you!
(Where the hell is my bill?)
You are truly talented, Cowguy. I'm more impressed than I can articulate, so lemme just say this: hoo boy!!
100 miles?
Sadly that rules me out. Fancy delivering 5000 miles?
Amazing talent there Cowguy, few people can match you!
You are so incredibly talented. Beautiful work!
I want one.
One of what?
I just want one.
So um, if you'd like you could have a whole lotta Huzzah if you ripped that first piece away from whoever commissioned it in the first place and gave it to me instead. I would accessorize it with the lovely 'terre beau' frame you made. ;)
Awesome furniture Jace!
You know my opinion of your talent and skills, Cowguy. I've made a ton of pieces myself, most of which I'm darned proud of, but it'll be a couple decades more before I can come close to the level of skill you demonstrate. If I were nearly as good as you Anne would let me build more things for our house!
And let's not forget that another of your many forte's is refurbishing old, sometimes VERY old and delapidated pieces, like the mirror I sent to you that you brought back to life beautifully. Again I thank you for that - it is one of Anne's cherished family heirlooms and she would not have trusted it to anyone else.
Man I wish you were closer- I need all new bedroom stuff for the spare bedroom and everything available commercially is just garbage. Makes me crazy
Just don't make the mistake that THESE IDIOTS did with my cabinet.
Those are beautiful! I wish you could come out and restore my mother's china cabinet and hutch!
Love that birdseye maple wood too!
I thought maybe you were a retired male prostitute.
I am so glad you cleared things up for me.
Well now I feel ashamed. I am a gun carrying gal that also loves woodworking, but compared to what YOU turn out, you obviously have the tools AND the talent. I thought that was burled wood on the bottom photo but see now that it's maple. LOVE IT. I'm too poor to buy. The shipping and handling would be astronomical. Keep ridin darlin. You've got it ALL lassoed.
You are truly an artist. I own a 1924 Arts and Crafts bungalow home that I am slowly (because I make money slowly) furnishing with historically-accurate pieces. My mom found a Mennonite man in Roodhouse, IL (Michael Yoder) who made my coffee table and an end table, but I would be prouder than a peacock if I had a piece made by your talented and smart-ass hands. We need to discuss because I actually AM within 100 miles. When I figure out what I want next, and I've got some extra scratch, I'll be in touch. Fer sure.
you rock, these are awesome!
Absolutely beautiful and these pieces will last a lifetime. I wish I could get my hands on one. One thing I have always wanted (came close too) is an old tree stump for a coffee table base and a big glass top. I think it would be beautiful. One of these days.
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