Later tater.
Expert advice concerning... love, hate, love/hate relationships, car repair, menopause, cabinetry, gambling, animal husbandry, animal wifery, religion, finance, computer repair, erectile dysfunction, cooking, phobias of all types and electrical wiring. Pretty much everything. Email me. It's over there on the right. Just do it.
Thank GOD I wasn't drinking red Koolaid cause it would have been shooting out my nose!!
I was hoping Anne would get me some of those night vision goggles.......
Great stuff, Jace! :)
Those were all safe when "we" played with them??? Maybe that's why we all turned out the way we did?
Heheheh Loved the Mrs. Boozely. Had one actually but I don't think I knew what Jack Daniel was back then.
HAPPY Hump Day!
- Jennifer
You are tooooo much
Got any one-eyed Toads?
Sandi The Queen Of Texas said:"Got any one-eyed Toads?"
I feel a little violated 'cause somehow that seems like a very personal question...
I'm signing up for two of the My First Tattoo Guns.
We already have us a mess of Honka Trucks. Shoot.
That Easy Bake Meth lab thing, though, that's false advertisementing right there. It ain't as easy as they make it look.
I'm just sayin'.
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