Thank you in advance for your lovely craption of this picture.

Here I doctored this one up for you as sort of a Thank You gift for your craptioning efforts. Please, please. Enjoy. Forward it on to your mother, she'll love it!
Expert advice concerning... love, hate, love/hate relationships, car repair, menopause, cabinetry, gambling, animal husbandry, animal wifery, religion, finance, computer repair, erectile dysfunction, cooking, phobias of all types and electrical wiring. Pretty much everything. Email me. It's over there on the right. Just do it.
Betty had to face the fact she'd never make it as a sheep herder. Her attempts to attract their attention sadly drove them off in all directions with no hopes of them ever coming baa-ck.
Though she enjoyed the cow-dung cigarettes that Walt rolled fresh for her every morning; Lousie had an uncommon fear of stepping in a cowpie.
If you goose me one more time like that, I will have to hurt you!
Damn! Stepped in another cowpie!
And what the hell is that on the far right of the second photo?!?!
Who the hell leaves a banana-peel in the middle of the forest?
I friggin hate yoga.
A short time later, Edna found out the hard way that in the forest, falling trees DO make a sound.
What started as an innocent frolic in the woods turned into a spectacular disaster resulting in numerous pregnancies.
The anticlimactic finale to "How I Met Your Mother."
Cue ukulele music:
Knee deep in cowpies we'll stray
We'll keep the showers away
And if I kiss you in the garden, in the moonlight
Will you pardon me?
And tiptoe through the cowpies with me
Smoking the fairy dust.
Tonya Twinkletoes was never again able to levitate the way she used to before the tragic toe-tickling death of her co-star, Magik Mike.
Do you think this will qualify me for being smokin' hot for Dancing with the Stars????
Bonita, having heard that bears indeed shit in the woods, takes extraordinary steps, literally, to avoid a steaming pile.
I think I got enough to write a song now... LOL.
So! Where'd you find the picture of my wife's great grandparents family?
Right in the eye!!!!! Damn birds.
Never taxi with yer flaps down!
Or, Who said these damn'd Pretends don't chafe?
"Do right, Danielle-san, is no defense."
Congrats on you OMGoddess award. This is FANTASTIC, you and your readers make a great "pair"
Great way to end my Friday!
"Oh, God!"
Seriously. No really... I'm being perfectly serious, this was a great bunch of craptions!! Lotsa laughs folks.
Just here to congratulate on your Goddess Award!I culd add:
"Really Daphne, why can't you take a walk in the woods just like anyone else?"
oh my sides hurt from reading the comments...what could i even add...congrats on the OMG award!
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