And I'm gonna do the posts referred to in this posting just as soon as I get the time to do it justice.
Meanwhile, could y'all caption this for me? Purty Please? Ok. Thanks!

Expert advice concerning... love, hate, love/hate relationships, car repair, menopause, cabinetry, gambling, animal husbandry, animal wifery, religion, finance, computer repair, erectile dysfunction, cooking, phobias of all types and electrical wiring. Pretty much everything. Email me. It's over there on the right. Just do it.
Your picture reminds me of "Man on Wire" An excellent documentary on this guy who tightrope walks betweent he twin towers int he 70's I think...
Albert's unsupportive bitch of a wife never believed he'd actually reach the stars.
Lord have mercy, I hear you!! I'm running, but not getting any where. How I love that unproductive feeling.
Caption: "This will teach those News guys. Another Stock Broker jumps again, yawn, how boring - I'm doing it with flair!"
(I'd laugh along with you, but Hubs is in Finance. Let's just say I'm glad his building only has 2 floors.)
Silly man!!!!!!
He's schwonkelizing of course!
- Jennifer
LOL @ Jennifers caption. She totally wins!
Yeah, I gotta go with Jen's comment!!! I can't top that.
Harold, not knowing his wife had filled the super glue bottle with ky jelly, was feeling pretty slick right now.
Sorry, I am not a quick-thinker.
Hey, everybody! Check out my new hat!!
Sounds perfectly cheevil to me.
"Idiocy knows no time limits."
"so this is what Schwonkelizing feels like..."
"Schwonkelizing has always been dangerous, but this young Schwonkel was a schwonkelizing master."
There's always the obvious "Look ma, no hands!"
I'm trying to think of a funny caption, but I'm scared of heights and seeing stuff like that just freaks me out.
"That was when he realized there was a problem with his landing gear"
And Randy finally realized why he couldn't get a signal in the new conference room...
Cell phones weren't invented yet.
Louis was beginning to wonder if Jeanne remembered she had sent him to check the chimney.
"Albert was determined to reach heaven, one way or the other."
That's the best schwonkelizing I can do on short notice. :)
where did you get this awesome pic?
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