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It's Limber in Lingerie, an ages old yoga move.
"In order to hault her constant mental cravings of sex with another woman, Madeline resorts to kegel exercises in hopes that they will improve sex between her and her oblivious husband."
"Push up and squeeze, relax. Push up and squeeze, relax."
What in the Sam Hill is on the inside of that magazine?
'Our latest magic carpet comes complete with a hot chick in green lingerie, a random bit of furniture with some trashy garment draped over it, and a well-thumbed book with a broken spine.'
A girl must admire her shoes from all angles. All. Angles.
lol, is that for real??
Now! Now!
Afore ye git yer knickers in a wad, zoom in on the book -- I SAID THE BOOOKKKK!!!! -- and you'll notice that she's just tryin' to stay slim for hubby . . . or Hubie . . . or the milkman . . .
And today's special is May for only 25¢.
LOL y'all did good. I think mo.stoneskin is the prize winner, which is no prize at all. Mjenks is a very close second and yeah... I looked up "Omphaloskepsis".
Dangit! Too late.
Well. Guess I'll skeedaddle.
Kegels; fun for everyone.
Oprah had lesbian "gay stories' as her topic yesterday. Hmmmm...
I love vintage illustrations, especially of voluptuous dames.
Let me just say.........I'm glad I'm late......
Do these shoes make my butt look big?
(just got back from vacation, sorry for the late addition) :-)
Obviously it's YOGA - pre-sports bra and bicycle shorts.
I love that photo.
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