That was a whirlwind of a weekend, Sal and I are both still trying to catch our breath after that. If I catch mine, I'm pretty certain it's gonna stink. Anyhow, just a couple of pics and observations.
The first is a photograph opportunity of cataclysmic immenseness. That's probably an exageration, but it's good for a laugh. We have 2 driveways, one at our house and one that goes up to the shop. On Friday I had a UPS truck in one and one of 2 Fed Ex drivers that deliver here... at the same time. If the timing would have been a bit better about 30 minutes later Pugsly, our other Fed Ex driver delivered another package.
I made 'em pose for a real happy picture and for just a moment in time... world peace reigned.
Immediately after this picture they beat the piss outta one another and the Fed Ex truck was set on fire and a SWAT team unloaded out of a chopper and blew up my BBQ grill. I don't know what that was about... but you need to not ask questions at times like that.
Regular readers know that I love Chinese Fortune Cookie fortunes and pretty much run my life from what I pull out of em. That explains a lot. This one I got last week when I ate at the local Kat Killery that I like to call Dung Pow's Chinese Hideaway. I'm thinking on this one. What do y'all think?
Priceless! I've been incommunicado the past week and out of touch. I just read your "Driving with little Jace" posting. Yes, Officer Princess is with the Houston Police Department and the picture he took of the overturned police car was on I-45. The officer was involved in a high speed chase and pulled in front of the "perp", applied the brakes and the perp rammed him......didn't work out to well for him, but he's okay.
A bestseller, I’m sure. And you should put the pic with you riding the dolly backwards down the driveway on the front. If that doesn't bring 'em in, nothing will.
I would buy it AND read it!
Yes! A book!!
Nah, these little short blurbs of humerousness are better! Think about it, after about a year we'll have read your book, or the equivalent thereof.
Laughed out loud at the war between the deliverers. :)
Thanks for the laughs!
Damn couriers. Sorry to hear about your grill, man. Bad business.
That's freakin' funny, Mr. Biggelsworth.
Do it.
Just be sure to wear a cup when you send out the query letters trying to get it published.
I've received less inspiration and went with it, Why not.
You remind me a lot of Pay McMannis who wrote for some outdoor magazine, I can't remember which one, anyway, he wrote books that were a riot and I've read everyone more than once and laughed my socks off. Hey...give it a try, you only go around this life once, hop on the roller coaster. Carline
OOOOHHhh thats a great fortune!!!
The cosmic force has spoken!!!
You must heed it's wisdom at once!
I think the UPS guy is only pretending to be chummy and is actually slapping a "KICK ME!" sign on the FedEx guy's back.
Great pictures...
And the book thing...I think your fortune was right. ;)
The world is dying for more humor right now, you could be the guy to save the world!
And you could dedicate it to ME. 'Cause that wouldn't be weird at all.
A book? Definitely! You should do it!!!!
The FedEx guy is wearing SHORTS? In February?
So not right...
Yeah, I get hung up on stuff like that...
"Kat killery" - LMAOOOOOOO! And, that fortune cookie...that was photoshopped, wasn't it? Come on. Tell the truth.
"Kat killery" - LMAOOOOOOO! And, that fortune cookie...that was photoshopped, wasn't it? Come on. Tell the truth.
Ohhh, GREAT photo op!!!! Glad you didn't let that pass you by!
I agree with the fortune cookie, by the way. What a smart cookie! :-)
I linked you (and your paddles!) today. Hope you don't mind. I simply could not resist!
it's an omen fur shur. the gods have spoken. heed them well grasshopper................ or you'll have to pickup heavy burning objects with just your bare forearms
Sandi: Yup it was in Houston, glad it wasn't officer Princess.
Sassy B: Heh... that's an excellent cover idea.
April: Oh you......
Jerry: Thanks Mr!
Dental Mav: I may have insurance... not certain.
Kim: Biggelsworth... lol made me laugh.
the iNDefatigable mjenks: Roger on the cup.
LOTC: I love Pat McMannus (sp?) the magazine was Outdoor Life.
Candy: Cosmic forces AND Candy. I'm forced into it now.
Sass: You're the second most important guiding force in my life. Of course I'd dedicate it to you. Heh heh...
Gwen: You're most likely correct. It wasn't exactly peaches and cream for that little embrace.. LOL
Giggle Pixie: Vote noted!
Venom: I've never seen the guy in long pants... ever.
Sally: No photochoppin'... au naturale.
Sally: No Photochoppin'... au naturale.
I love doing the double replies. I really do.
Cora: Thanks for the linkup buddy!
GM: You used to write fortune cookie fortunes... didn't you?
That is interesting, I noticed on one of our once a week 10am dates our fed-ex dude always wears shorts too...
P.S. Another award for you over at my place tomorrow--no bad words in it this time! :)
I'm sure you'll create a wonderful book!
A delivery man smack-down in your driveway. I'm so jealous!!!!! :-)
You are too funny. Thanks for the laughs today!
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