I tried to show off and shove it down for Sal 'cause girls like that sorta stuff. Makes 'em wanna feel your muscles and stuff. I moved it like 14 feet off the foundation but it wouldn't go down.
Here's a creepy back door.
...and a creepy upstairs window. No spooks were looking out of it at the time of the picture takin' but I'm sure some were as soon as we walked away. That's the way they work it.
An odd collection of crap highlighted by a push type lawn mower. That's some nice crap eh?
Here's some more crap, an odd collection of milk bottles in a crate. All were empty. I was thirsty. The story of my life.
No it's not.
This apparently was someones good idea of an entertainment center or something. A record player on a tv. May be the very first karaoke machine. Probably invented by some prehistoric media consultant named Willie Peener or something. I'm just taking stabs at this one.
I wonder if this guy ever remembered parking his bike here... maybe he lost his newspaper route and just turned his back on biking forever and ever... The speedometer is stuck at 50 mph, maybe that's a tip to the story.
OH oh oh! More crap. Nifty eh?
An EXCELLENT find. I threw down some major toe tappin' tunes with this plaster of paris fiddle I found. A regular hoe down. YEEEE HAWWWW.
I'm pretty certain this is an original snapshot of the last supper. Yeah it said JC Penney Photo Studio down in the corner. I'm sure it's worth millions. There was a bat behind it. I screamed like a little girl.
I made one last attempt, this time blowing as hard as I could. I was having quite a bit of success with it this time, Sally was overcome with... overcomeness and broke my concentration. She knows good lovin'.
Boy howdy!
Mrs. Butterworth... you're so dirty.
I hope you stretched out before all that pushing and huffing and puffing so you didn't knock something out of whack! Or maybe that was all part of your Sal-overcomeness-ploy...
Damn, hope you got the joint insured for a lot of buck. Be a damn shame it someone tossed a match in there and you were then uncompensated for your loss.
Let me know next time you are going to be out of the state having dinner with a judge or something. I know a guy.
I'm laughing my ass off at the original supper comment!
You are something, Cowguy.
Didn't know you play a violin.
Love the crap yard.
Looks like a regular crap house to me. Yup.
hmmmmm......how much you want for the Aunt Jemima bottle?
I actually see a small fortume in amongst the mess. People pay good money for some of that stuff.
Loved the tour of the manor. I give ya a dollar for the bike.:-)
Actually, I wouldn't mind having one of those milk bottles. One mans trash, another mans treasure and all that crap.
Anybody else thinking that those milk bottles might have been for those winter nights when SOMEBODY just didn't feel like running out back to the ol' one-holer?
that's some great finds!
When we bought our house + 11 acres, we didn't get the original farmhouse, but we got a nice sized junk pile. Amazingly, it had some of the same items as your house: a bike, a lawn mower, a galvanized wash tub. We got a lot of good use out of that tub, but hauled the rest to the dump.
I tagged you in a meme!
Time to call in the auctioneer. That's a treasure trove right there!
I heard this noise earlier, and felt a breeze...what are you doing pushing on my house???
And who gave you the right to take pictures of my entertainment center?
And I don't know what you mean by "Last Supper." In fact, that's a picture of lunch with some of my cousins. They're hippies, ya know.
Get off my property, Cowguy. Now.
Nice artifact you got there. It was great to take the tour with you.
I gotta say-the picture with the bike? There is something about that shot-I'm not kidding-it could be the composition of color, the way the items are arranged, but I think that is a magnificent photograph.
Call me crazy-but it speaks art.
"I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll push your house down!" Or blow out my butthole trying.
You should have a Halloween party there!
I agree with Candy - the bike picture is quite nice. The color and composition are appealing.
Do you KNOW what people pay for that kind of crap? And the screen door refurbished would be FABULOUS!
""I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll push your house down!" Or blow out my butthole trying."
Oh sweet jesus that is funny!!!
I played around in PhotoShop with a couple of your pictures - good stuff!
I've got first dibs on that washboard tub! PLEASE PLEASE!!
Love those places. I'd fix'er up Jace!
Happy Tuesday
- Jennifer
LOL! Hmmmmm.....maybe if you'd turned around you could've generated more wind power? :) Cheers!
Oh my GOODNESS GWENNNN....you win.
Blow out my butthole.
"OOOOH, I think I just blew an O-ring."
I can't stop laughing.
Ah, can't you renovate it???
I always think of the life that was once in places like that. Kind of sad to see it so broken down.
wow what a great bunch of junque!!! yes, that's expensive junk there buddy! cool stuff! I like that wire basket thingie, and the crates, and the milk bottles. oh heck I'm a junk junkie!
I think it's all been said.
Great post, Jace! Thanks!
Dang y'all went all loco with this one. Thanks for all the comments and the braggin on the fine collection of crap and Sal's extra cool shot of the bike.
Gwen? We need to hang out do some drinking some day. Lordy girl.
The picture of the upstairs window officially gave me the creeps! :-)
Thanks for the tour!!!!
gee if I knew you were stopping by I would straightened up a bit
Ooooooooooooh weeeeeeee, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of that rusty stuff in there!!
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