As I said, word spread pretty fast and I'd get smart aleck remarks about it from friends on the street and in town and not quite stiffled giggles. And then our friends and nearest neighbors, Dale and Linda came by one evening. Linda was obviously containing something within her that was just 'bout to make her bust and after a bit of chit chat she blurted out. "Jace, I've got you a little present." Well hell, If ever there were a man on earth that liked presents, it's me! I'm all about presents and the receiving of 'em and stuff.
With tightly pursed lips and eyes that were almost tearing up, Linda produced a little package, handed it to me and said simply "Here." I don't think I've ever seen anyone that was so proud of the gift that they'd chosen to give someone, as Linda was that evening. I opened the package and inside was something of a "homemade" gift set.

Yes, 3 of them. All individually packaged in baggies for easy, convenient carry. Linda even made sure that she included some instructions, 'cause if ever there was a man on God's green earth that needed instructions and guidance... by golly that'd be me.

And yes, that dear woman thought of everything and every situation that might arise. A moistened towelette pilfered from KFC. The smiling face of the dear old Colonel in this little kit just 'bout ruined me.

After a time, you sorta get used to these things happening to you. Sorta...
Stay tuned for Day 3 of Hardware Store Week!
I'm sending you a gift wrapped cork. Do you need instructions? Oh, and what's your size?
I'm sending you a gift wrapped cork.
Cool but I'm not a wine drinker.
Do you need instructions?
Oh, and what's your size?
You first. Don't fib.
Dunno what else to say! LOL!!
Don't worry about the wine--I'm drinking that first; you're just getting the cork. I'll send instructions too--and I'll keep them short, simple, and easy to understand. In fact, I think I can narrow it down to two words. Since you're being a bit coy and girlish about your size, I'll just guess and send an extra large; but if it's too big, you can always make adustments--but if you don't have the right tools, try Home Depot or Lowe's.
I'm thinking if you ease up on the wine a touch....
ROFLOL. Never a dull moment around this joint!!
Oh my gosh, I have tears running down my face and my stomach hurts. Jace, you are just so funny.
I kinda hate to ask, because it feels a little like going to the car races and hoping to see a firey crash with flying body parts, but where's Day 3?
"I kinda hate to ask, because it feels a little like going to the car races and hoping to see a firey crash with flying body parts, but where's Day 3?"
LOL I ran outta day yesterday, hopefully there'll be plenty of death and mayhem tonite Kim.
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